International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology
<p>International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology (IJCRESVT) is an attempt of Eureka Group of Journals to bridge the gap between "Campuses and Corporate" by including both academic research activities as well as the innovation done on industries and corporate professionals on Embedded System & VLSI Technology. All articles published undergo a quick review process and are checked to ensure that they meet the Journal's quality standards. Original research work, reviews, case study, surveys, letters, innovative trends and ideas are published which contribute significant research and development activities. Theoretical papers as well as practice oriented papers are welcome for improvement in the field of Embedded System & VLSI Technology research. The objective is to spread researches to mitigate global problems around the world. The journal focusses on a fast and rigorous review process to ensure relevancy, adequacy and originality of submitted manuscript. Special issues like Conference papers are invited which meet the journal's peer review standard.</p>Eureka Journalsen-USInternational Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology2581-5105PSO-PID Controller for Interleaved Boost Converter
<p>Single-stage topologies use a tiny low-energy storage capacitance resulting in giant low-frequency ripples within the output voltage, but a large-value capacitor will not be able to remove these ripples, the dc-bus capacitance voltage becomes uncontrolled floating. The capacitance voltage at light-load conditions will reach terribly high levels. This imposes a high-voltage stress on the device switches. Several tries are created to cut back this voltage stress by victimization output or dc-bus voltage feedback. However, the most limitation of the single-converter topologies is on the sensible power process capability. This article describes the total harmonic distortion analysis, i.e., to seek out the impact of amendment of input voltage, amendment in load and switch-frequency by implementing a four-parallel boost converter, every parallel converter is of 50 W unit and switched at a 100 kHz. The waveforms area unit discovered victimization MATLAB Simulink.</p>Rounak DaduVineet Saxena
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology
2022-12-212022-12-2173Reliability Prediction of 0.22µf Electrolytic Capacitor using Fuzzy Logic
<p>Electronic industry is accelerating towards low speed and high-speed processing devices. While achieving the objectives of the modern age, the reliability and life of the components become a major challenge. Most of the electronic equipment and gadgets use the passive components such as capacitor, resistor, inductor etc., which has the failure issue. With the integration of thousand components on a single chip, the probability of component failure enhances. The residual lifetime of an electrolytic capacitor is targeted in this research article. using statistical and fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) has been proven as the most accurate component with accuracy rate of 88.9%</p>Priyesh JadavPurvi Pandya
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology
2022-12-212022-12-2173Transient Performance of Buck Converter
<p>This article presents a new model of switch mode dc-dc buck converter. The dc-dc converter (buck) will step down the input dc voltage of 24 V to 12 V. The switching frequency of the dc-dc converter (buck) is set to 100 kHz for faster switching operation. The switching frequency of the converter must be as much as higher than the system cross-over frequency for fast transient operation.</p> <p>In this article, our aim is to study the effect of variation of input voltage, switching frequency and load, so steps can be taken to nullify the effect on performance of converter. For the same we have derived a Simulink model of buck converter in MATLAB environment.</p>Saurabh SawhneyVasudha KumarPiyush Raj
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology
2022-12-212022-12-2173Remaining useful Life Analysis of an Electrolytic Capacitor using Statistical Techniques
<p>From toy to aircraft, the use of electronics is prominent. The reusable capability of the electronic component can be decided after predicting the remaining useful lifetime of the electronic component. A multiple regression-based approach is used for predicting the reliability and residual lifetime of electrolytic capacitor under various electrical parameters and environmental conditions. An error of 13.51% is reported, while estimating the residual life using Minitab18.1 software.</p>Jasmina SardaAlpeshsinh Zala
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology
2022-12-212022-12-2173Microcontroller Based Display Systems for Basketball Game
<p>Evolution in the field of microcontrollers and the development/debugging tools available for them has led to the use of embedded systems in innumerable applications [2, 3]. “Microcontroller based Display Systems for Basketball Game” were developed to enhance the expertise of the faculty members and to demonstrate undergraduate students the extent to which Embedded Systems can be used for day to day problems. This paper presents the design and development of microcontroller based displays which can be used for basketball game to keep track of various time events. They are used to keep track of the time the ball is with a player which should not exceed 24 s and to down count the game time of 10 minutes. There are three displays, two synchronized 24 s down counters of size 40cm x 45cm each and one 10 minutes Game Timer of size 40cm x 92cm. Systems are designed using AT89c51 microcontroller. Software was implemented in assembly language and was developed using “Keil µVision2” package. The displays are being tested for live matches.</p>Sadhana ShahYogesh D. Moon
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Current Research in Embedded System & VLSI Technology