Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting <p>Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics and Accounting (JAABEA) provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-date publication of managerial research and review articles. The journal publishes original research &amp; review papers in all areas related to the theory and practice of Applied Business, Economics and Accounting, as well as the critical examination of existing concepts, models, and frameworks. Concerned with the expanding role of strategic Applied Business, Economics and Accounting in a fast-changing, global environment, the journal focuses on providing a critical link between high quality academic research and the practical implications for business practice.</p> en-US Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting A Performance Comparison of ANN And LSTM Neural Networks in Forecasting Stock Indices <p>Over the past few years, advances in the forecasting techniques has been evolved from basic linear and non-linear statistical methods to more advanced neural networks (see for eg. Convolution neural networks, Generative adversial networks etc.). Mcnelis (2005) defined forecasting as a technique that uses historical data to make informed predictions that are predictive in deciding future trends. It requires understanding the dynamic lead-lag relationship among the concerned variables, interpreting their statistical significance, and understanding which variables (<strong>give variables here)</strong> are of key importance in predicting the market moves. The key element for a sound informed financial decision in era of heightened volatility and globalization of financial markets is better forecasting.</p> Gopinath MJ Pooja Mhatre Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting 2021-07-31 2021-07-31 2 1 A Study on Bank Mergers during 2019 and its Effect <p>The banking sector of India is considered as a growing sector and the soundness of the banking sector has been development of the country’s economy. The purpose of this paper is to explore various motivations of mergers and its effect during 2019 in the Indian banking sector. This includes the various aspects of banking industry’s merger and acquisitions. The required data is collected from secondary source. The important part over here is that why do we need consolidation in Indian banking, what is the challenges ahead and to whom it is useful. The role of the central government is also very necessary to be analysed in the entire process as they play a crucial role in the policy formation required for the growth of Indian Banking. The findings suggest that to some extent M&amp;A’s has been successful in Indian banking sector.</p> Siya Kapoor Bhavana Gadariya Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 A Study on Impact of Cost Reduction and its Effectiveness with Reference to Hal <p>Cost reduction refers to the procedure of looking for, finding and eliminating unwarranted expenses from a business to increase profits without having negative impact on product quality is called cost reduction. This Research is intended to explain review of literature for the study; it explains the need of the study. It ascertains the statement of the problem with appropriate justifications. The collected data were classified, processed, tabulated and analyzed with statistical tools like percentages and averages wherever necessary for better understanding and interpret the result to arrive at findings. Ultimately conclusions will be drawn. Therefore, the study assumed descriptive. It explains the objectives of the study, scope of the study, research methodology used to arrive at the solution of the problem, sources of data and it also explains the limitations of the study. Finally it ascertains the reference period and chapter scheme.</p> Vankatesh Reddy Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 Green Finance: A Future Fortune for Green Growth of Industries Across the Globe <p>This research paper majorly deals with the new advanced financial concept called Green financing, which is serving as one of the major means to achieve economic stability along with the overall sustainable growth. Due to the increasing negative impact of globalisation on environment, it has become a necessity rather than an option for the industries across the globe to achieve an overall green growth by adopting various green initiatives that allows them to achieve a climate resilient future through both environmentalism and capitalism simultaneously. Currently being a niche concept, this research paper shows the role and importance of Green financing in not just one industry but for all other industries, which can adopt this concept in one or the other way for attaining an overall green growth. This research paper concludes by giving meaningful suggestions for acknowledging the importance of this concept on a wider perspective.</p> Alif Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 Migrating Economies: Tracing the Concept of Migration and Wealth Accumulation in Select Folktales from Rajasthan <p>Folktales have formulated folk discourse of cultures and communities. The folktales written by Vijaydan Detha dwell in the discourse around the various communities of Rajasthan. One such community is the Baniya community. The tales disclose the attitude and understanding of the Baniya towards money. The concept of migration for business, of accumulating money, and of the ‘dharma’ of the Baniya is traced through the folktales in this paper. It takes into consideration the recurring images throughout the corpus of the folktales of Rajasthan written by Detha, and studies how characters belonging to the merchant class/caste in Rajasthan are accultured with the ideas of trades, and additionally, how the inherit passion towards money and for earning drives them to the very act of migration. The normalization of accumulating wealth and migrating temporarily to faraway places is ingrained in the cultural understanding. The discourse that is constructed through the sporadic presence of such characters is one that establishes a number of stereotypes and traits governing the characters and their actions, both. These can also be found in many other literary pieces, and popular culture, including the present-day cultural understanding of the baniya man and his ‘tricks’. The paper tries to establish the baniya as a folk figure of the North Indian merchant community, who carries a strong passion for wealth and business.</p> Diya Nitesh Mangtani Ganesh Acharya Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Advances in Applied Business, Economics & Accounting 2021-07-31 2021-07-31 2 1