Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations <p>Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights &amp; Transformations provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted to meet the cutting-edge developments in the field of management.</p> <p>The mission of Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights &amp; Transformations is to promote the worldwide studies and explore a wide range of management principles and practices to reflect diverse heritage history and technology for the interest of mankind in the prevailing innovative environment.</p> en-US Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview and Impact of CSR activities in India during this pandemic COVID-19 <p>CSR is a way of returning back to the whole community by the corporate sector. These activities indulged in the development of the Nation. In this pandemic situation the shape of the CSR has also changed more and more companies contribute towards the relief Fund and indulge in many CSR activities. This paper examines How CSR activities undertaken by various Companies during this Pandemic situation. The main findings of the study are that CSR is now an essential part for the Growth of any Business. It has been found that now the focus has been changed from profit to Growth and development of their Industries as well as whole community. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the CSR contribution of companies in India during this crisis. More and More funds are donated to various Government Funds. After the announcement by the Government that amount donated by the companies in support of COVID-19 will be considered as CSR activities that are mandatory to spend by companies according to section135 amendment in companies act. Data collected purely on secondary basis mainly from Articles published, researches already done, electronic journals, research papers and websites etc. This paper is used mostly relevant sources that all topics related to the topic will be covered.</p> Vikas Singh Aman Mishra Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility during and After COVID-19 in India <p>The COVID-19- a disease set off by coronavirus has been considered a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). This infectious virus has tremendously affected the socio-economic conditions of the entire world. Social distancing assumes an essential function to alleviate the spread of this virus. The Government of India and state governments declared lockdowns throughout the nation in March 2020 to boost social distancing. The majority of the organizations in the Indian economy are assuming huge functions in acting as a guide to relieving the consequences of the ongoing pandemic. Here, comes the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which assumes a vital part in the age of this pandemic Coronavirus, where enterprises are attempting their level best to get past this enormous testing time. The core concept of corporate social responsibility is built around the sense of responsibility the businesses have towards the public at large. Companies in India have gone beyond their obligations commanded upon them via the Companies Act, 2013, and have proactively acted towards the general public in such perilous times. The Government of India is also encouraging the organizations to offer social help in this time of coronavirus. According to a report of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs dated March 23, 2020, all expenses identified with Coronavirus, will be considered as CSR expenditure. The paper talks about CSR in India and the activities which have been broadly performed by different organizations in India to satisfy their obligation towards the public during the pandemic. Moreover, the paper additionally illuminates the obstacles that the organizations have faced while satisfying their social duty. Finally, the paper endeavors to show the CSR trends in the post-COVID-19 world.</p> Sharvan Kumar Singh Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 Insights and the Perspectives and Initiatives in Indian Industry <p>The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not a new term to Indian Industry but can be perceived as responsibility on the part of the business and industrial organisations to be accountable to their stakeholders and the society. Various organisations (public and private sectors) have a variety of perceptions about it such as corporate philanthropy or corporate environment responsibility or corporate accountability or corporate science or corporate citizenship or social performance or sustainable responsible business form of corporate or strategic philanthropy or sustainability or corporate moral agency or social entrepreneurship or corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business process.</p> <p>Today's CSR is an integral and indispensable part of business strategy with the main focus on sustainability and engagement with internal and external stakeholders. CSR ensuing a people centric approach. Business leaders and organisation providing priority to health care and education as they directly advantages the public at large.</p> <p>CSR is constantly evolving concept in Indian Industry. It is taken up as an integral part of business activities with usual key performance Areas (KPA'S) and it’s metrics. Many projects management approach is adopted by various companies for planning and monitoring CSR projects. There is need to more emphasis on CSR activities by the Indian industry would go a long way in sustaining organisation's growth and excellence in the long run. Moreover, devising new strategies to meet the emerging challenges being thrown up by the rapid changes which are transforming in the long run.</p> <p>Hence, CSR is the commitment or an engagement of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees and their families, the local community and society at large to improve their quality of life in ways that are good for the development of the nation.</p> <p>The aim of paper is to provide invaluable insights on CSR activities in Indian Industry and how it helps and support in economic development for the country. The paper has used secondary data by referring various government websites, articles, Journals, text- books, company policies, newspapers, magazines, expert advice and so on.</p> Prof. (Dr.) Ved Prakash Singh Prabhat Kumar Giri Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 A Systematic Review of Management as Well as Marketing Perspective of CSR: Future Research Agenda <p>The reason why CSR as an area has been chosen in this systematic review is because CSR as a concept in the past decade has evolved as an emergent and an important construct in the academic literature and the business field. There are two categories in which the systematic review of literature in the context of CSR can be done; management as well as marketing perspective. The focus in this study is on the management (CSR and firm performance) as well as the marketing perspective (particularly the consumers at an individual level as to how do they perceive the CSR activities by the corporations). The reason why consumers are chosen is because there are many studies which have focused on the stakeholders’ perspective towards CSR but also as per the research, consumers being one of the most important and relevant stakeholders of all time are kind of neglected to a certain extent. The FMCG sector is one of the sectors of the economy to which consumers are directly linked. The purpose is to analyse the relevant studies related to these two separately and comment on the merging of these two concepts as there is a lot of research that is needed when it comes to understanding both these perspectives and finding the other major gaps in research already conducted. The motive is to focus on the sequence and review the studies starting with CSR as a concept, drivers of CSR, mandatory role of CSR as per section 135 of the Companies’ Act, 2013, management perspective of CSR, marketing perspective of CSR by studying consumer perception in general and ultimately arriving the consumer perception towards CSR in the FMCG sector which will be helpful for the academicians and the practitioners in the long run. The major research gaps that could be found or it can be said that future research agenda could be that in case of management perspective, the focus was mainly on the profitability measures of analysing the firm performance. The solution to this could be to consider other measures as well including accounting and the market-based measures. While going through the literature in the context of consumer perception in general and also in the FMCG sector, the major gaps that should be addressed are that the focus has mainly been on the external aspect of the consumers including the purchasing or buying behaviour and assessing the consumer knowledge and awareness about the products and services. The future researchers should try to focus upon the internal aspect of the consumers including consumers’ attitudes, trust and the beliefs. The merging of the management and the marketing perspective can be done by taking consumer related variables as the mediating variables so that the direct or indirect effect of these variables can be analysed on the overall performance of the corporations.</p> Dr. Brijvir Singh Santosh Yadav Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1 The birth and evolution of CSR activities and the Concept of Sustainable Development <p>CSR activities and Sustainable Development was first introduced back in the 1970’s. To this day they go hand in hand. Focusing on the social and economic dimensions of the business environment, the following research paper discusses about how the presence of CSR activities create opportunities and benefit business organizations to portray their organization and create a better image of themselves to the society and stakeholders. Commitment towards CSR activities is no longer an option to the organizations. It is a win-win situation for both, organizations as well as the people of the society. As companies, they get to exhibit their core values and give benefits to buyers, and fulfill their responsibility towards the growth of the economic development of the country.</p> Sukhvinder Kumar Sachin Phogat Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations 2021-07-30 2021-07-30 2 1