A Study on Teachers Education in Current Scenario (With Special Reference to Enhance the Quality of Education among the Student)


  • Ms. Sudha SG M.COM, SLET, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Government Arts College-Bangalore.


A study to assess and understand the role of teachers in bringing quality of education among student. It specially analysis the training of teacher is necessary to cope with the changing demand of the profession.

The main reason for this study is to highlight teacher’s current teaching technique and method in transferring knowledge of student who are the people that will eventually lead a country.

Education renders an important role in growth and development of individual, here the teachers have dynamic role to play in imparting education to the student. Teachers have an important role to play in not only achieving the desired goal of the institution but it is necessary to bring their talent and skill of the student to attain their desired dreams. Teachers have to bring the new ways of teaching like audio-video tools, role play, real world learning, imparting student practically and making them more competent and skilled.

The main areas that have been taken considered in this research paper are scope of teacher education, changing context of teacher’s education in Indian scenario, different method and technique of teaching.




How to Cite

SG, M. S. . (2022). A Study on Teachers Education in Current Scenario (With Special Reference to Enhance the Quality of Education among the Student). International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from https://stm.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRECS/article/view/131