Implications of Pragmatism in Modern Educational System-A Conceptual Study


  • Ishwarya J Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce, BMS College for Women.


Pragmatism considers thought and words as instruments for forecasting, solving the problems and to take action and also rejects the idea of mirror reality. According to this, knowledge, language, concepts are all best in their practical application. The philosophy of pragmatism "emphasizes the practical application of ideas by acting on them to actually test them in human experiences". Pragmatism focuses on a "changing universe rather than an unchanging one as the idealists, realists and Thomists had claimed". This study attempts to analyse the forms of pragmatism, educational complications and also attempts to know about the application of pragmatism approach in different areas of education, methods of teaching and roles of teacher.




How to Cite

J, I. (2022). Implications of Pragmatism in Modern Educational System-A Conceptual Study. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from