Quality Assurance and its Impacts on Higher Education Institutions in India-Micro Finance Helping in Empowering Women in India


  • Prabala. P Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce and Management, Sri Krishna Degree College, ITI Layout, BSK III Stage, Bangalore-560085.


Woman has to be financially independent which helps her to lead her life with confidence and independence. All women may not be literates and with lack of awareness and education she may not able to earn her livelihood and lead life with better standard of living. This will leads to poverty. In India Micro finance has introduced its self through Self Help Group, because Self Help Groups is an effective working system in order to provide funds to the poor especially empowering women. Micro finance helps to bring awareness about education, handling financial matters, health as well as it helps in increasing confidence among women especially rural women. Women through micro finance get loans to start their own businesses and make them to earn their livelihood. Micro finance plays a vital role in the economic development of India. If the woman become self employed she definitely provide job opportunities to other women this ultimately leads to better standard of living, increases saving among women, these savings will be utilized by other self employed women as loans thereby leads to capital formation in the country. More than 80% of the micro finance industry’s poorest clients are women. This large share of female participants is thought to offset some of the imbalances of current access to financial services for women. Dina D Pomeranz (2014).

This study is about two SHGs from Shivamogga District which are helping women empowerment by providing micro credit and encouraging micro savings. A SHG from a village called Aralasurali in Thirthahalli Taluk, Shivamogga district is providing financial assistance to the women in that village and contributing in development of those women to start their own businesses like Tailoring, Nursery, Bee keeping etc.

Another SHG in this research is from the city of Shivamogga. Rural and urban SHGs are taken for this study.

Thus, this study taking two SHGs work which provide micro finance and making women financially independent and the lower rate of interest would help women to establish and run their businesses and earn their livelihood. The study on these SHGs from the District of Shivamogga provides the information of the working of SHGs as well as their contribution in empowering women.




How to Cite

P, P. . (2022). Quality Assurance and its Impacts on Higher Education Institutions in India-Micro Finance Helping in Empowering Women in India. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from https://stm.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRECS/article/view/146