Employee Commitment of Teaching Faculty Members in Higher Educational Institutions in Karnataka


  • Deepa K Research Scholar, University of Mysore.
  • Dr. Bhojanna U Professor and Head, Department of Management, RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.


In the paper Employee commitment of teaching faculty members in higher educational institutions. Competitive work place environments require employee work commitment. Employee Commitment refers to the degree to which employees are focused on and present in their roles. In today’s framework of work place environment employees may reach their rational and motivational limits and this may strain employees’ attentiveness and commitment. This paper reviews research studies on employee commitment and their performance.




How to Cite

K, D. ., & U, D. B. . (2022). Employee Commitment of Teaching Faculty Members in Higher Educational Institutions in Karnataka. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from https://stm.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRECS/article/view/147