Modern Development of Education System and Implementation of National Education Policy (2020)


  • Dr. Prem Knowles Assistant Professor, GIBS B School, Bengaluru.
  • Avinash R P Assistant Professor, Sri Krishna Degree College, Bengaluru.
  • Chandrasekhar C Librarian, GIBS B School, Bengaluru.


India poses the second largest education system in the world next to United States. University Grand Commission (UGC) enforces the standards of the system and advises state & central government to co-ordinate the learning systems. In 1857, first university, ’University of Calcutta’ is formed. At present, there are about 900 universities and 50, 000 colleges. The prominent body UGC (University Grant commission) controls and advises the state and central education systems, which is formed in 1953.




How to Cite

Knowles, D. P. ., R P, A. ., & C, C. . (2022). Modern Development of Education System and Implementation of National Education Policy (2020). International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from