A Performance Comparison of ANN And LSTM Neural Networks in Forecasting Stock Indices


  • Gopinath MJ Faculty of Management Sciences & Liberal Arts,. Future Institute of Engineering and Management.
  • Pooja Mhatre Faculty of Management Sciences & Liberal Arts,. Future Institute of Engineering and Management.


Over the past few years, advances in the forecasting techniques has been evolved from basic linear and non-linear statistical methods to more advanced neural networks (see for eg. Convolution neural networks, Generative adversial networks etc.). Mcnelis (2005) defined forecasting as a technique that uses historical data to make informed predictions that are predictive in deciding future trends. It requires understanding the dynamic lead-lag relationship among the concerned variables, interpreting their statistical significance, and understanding which variables (give variables here) are of key importance in predicting the market moves. The key element for a sound informed financial decision in era of heightened volatility and globalization of financial markets is better forecasting.


