A Study on Bank Mergers during 2019 and its Effect


  • Siya Kapoor Assistant Professor, MBA Department, HITK.
  • Bhavana Gadariya Student, MBA Department, HITK.


The banking sector of India is considered as a growing sector and the soundness of the banking sector has been development of the country’s economy. The purpose of this paper is to explore various motivations of mergers and its effect during 2019 in the Indian banking sector. This includes the various aspects of banking industry’s merger and acquisitions. The required data is collected from secondary source. The important part over here is that why do we need consolidation in Indian banking, what is the challenges ahead and to whom it is useful. The role of the central government is also very necessary to be analysed in the entire process as they play a crucial role in the policy formation required for the growth of Indian Banking. The findings suggest that to some extent M&A’s has been successful in Indian banking sector.


