About the Journal

Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted to meet the cutting-edge developments in the field of management.

The mission of Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations is to promote the worldwide studies and explore a wide range of management principles and practices to reflect diverse heritage history and technology for the interest of mankind in the prevailing innovative environment.

Focus & Scope:
The focus and scope of Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility Insights & Transformations has been divided into the following domains:

Demonetization /Re- monetization impacts in India
Impact of Inflation
International Accounting Standards
Integration of Banks in India
Merger of companies
Micro Finance
Project finance
Portfolio Management
Risk Management
Rural Banking
Competency Mapping
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Career and Succession Planning
E-Recruitment and selection
Employee Engagement
Employee Moonlighting
Glass Ceiling
HR Six Sigma
Human Capital Management
Intellectual Capital Management
Organization Citizenship Behavior(OCB)
Stress Management
Strategic Talent Management
Virtual Organizations
Work Life Management
Whistle Blowing
Affiliate marketing
Brand management
Customer relationship management
Cross media marketing
Content marketing
Digital and social media marketing
Marketing Communication and promotion
Product positioning
Retail Management
Search engine optimization
Viral Marketing