Change in Teaching Methodology with the Advent of Online Pedagogy


  • Dr. Shobha N S MCOM, MBA, M.phil, FCMA, PH.D., Assistant Professor, Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management.
  • Ms. Shubha Raghavendra M Com, MBA, Assistant Professor, C B Bhandari Jain College, K R Road, Bangalore 04.


The universal understanding that our current way of life is ineffective has been triggered by the Covid 19 pandemic. It has destroyed our conceptions of what is normal and wrecked society. The education sector is one of the most important areas where change has been noticeable. Every classroom requires the use of teaching tools. By presenting knowledge in a novel and exciting way, teaching aids can help students improve their reading comprehension abilities, explain or reinforce a skill or topic, give speculative training, and ease apprehension or boredom. They also engage other senses because there are no constraints on what instruTeachers can help students close the gap and enhance their reading comprehension by using teaching aids. Magazine and newspaper articles, print adverts, and even comic books can be used to assist students interpret language.

Teaching aids can be a daunting supplement for teachers who need to reinforce a skill or concept. They not only provide more practise time for students, but they also deliver information in a way that allows students to engage with the issue in new ways. It is vital for teachers to communicate with all kids in their classroom. As a result, using teaching aids assists teachers in accomplishing this goal by assisting them in differentiating instructionctional aids can be used to enhance a lesson.

Visual aids such as graphs, charts, flashcards, and videos give visual stimulation and assist learners to gain knowledge in a new way. This enables each learner to interact with the information in a way that facilitates comprehension.

Teaching aids are becoming more widespread in the classroom. As traditional classrooms with blackboards and chalk become outmoded and smart classrooms become the norm, teaching tools are becoming more ubiquitous and advanced. Blackboards are being phased out in favour of whiteboards and smart boards. Televisions are being replaced with LCD projectors and screens. Educators are also putting a greater emphasis on children's technology development and incorporating it into the curriculum. Students are creating podcasts, films, and even web quests, all of which can be used in the classroom as valuable teaching tools.




How to Cite

N S, D. S. ., & Raghavendra, M. S. . (2022). Change in Teaching Methodology with the Advent of Online Pedagogy. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from