Motivational Need in Educational Environment


  • Dr. Arti Vishnoi Associate Professor, P.P.N College, Kanpur.


"You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be."

“Research has shown that good everyday teaching practices can do more to counter student apathy than special efforts to attack motivation directly.”From Barbara Gross Davis, in Ericksen, 1978.

Student academic achievement is most affected by the motivation in their educational environment. It is the duty of teachers to pay attention to the importance of motivation in the educational environment for the students. Motivation can be said to be factors that stimulate work efforts and encourage students to perform their best at studies. Therefore, the success would depend largely on how effectively the efforts of students are harnessed and rewarded.



How to Cite

Vishnoi, D. A. . (2020). Motivational Need in Educational Environment. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 4(2). Retrieved from