Indian Politics: Emerging Trends and its Democratic Implications
This study is going to describe about the emerging trends of Indian Political system, the scenario of post-democratic politics in India through challenging different circumstance with in national and international sphere. The primary aims of choosing this area of study is to analysis the Indian governing system in present context, and how it has been affected on the nation-state system. Using data’s are collected though the Secondary sources of data collection, mainly- Books, Journals, Articles, Newspapers, and Government Report etc. The result shown that, with changing social context there are several newly emerge features are seen in the political scenario of India, some of them are finding to be creating even more complex in social system, like-Communal Politics, Weak of Parliamentary Role, and role of Regional Politics etc. At last, this study could be concluded through highlighting the fact that, even though nation-states are changing for competitive development purpose with changing social paradigms, but in that race a nation must not to be forgetting its base or treating the citizen’s with in proper democratic laws. Citizens must not suffer for fulfilling the political or diplomatic greed of the state politics.