Extent of Picture Change Technique amongst Conventional Nigerian Television Mobile News Apps and Related News Locations
Software-based news technologies such as TV news apps are taking hold, but research exposing news attraction techniques remain scarce. Therefore, this content analysis research, framed around the uses and gratification theory -which alludes to news locations of TV channels in Nigeria, explores the use of picture-change technique amongst Nigeria’s Mobile-TV app-news. Indeed, understanding the picture-change technique in relation to news locations would enhance how news derived from locations involving other nations or beyond Nigeria may also be associated in the seemingly sensationalists mobile app news scheme. While it is relieving to mainly conclude that Nigeria’s TV news editors avoided picture-changes, and that more than 99% of app news pictures were unchanged from those in the default news app home pages, comparable investigation of app news picture placement strategy is still needed. Understanding nature of Nigerian news app picture-change outcome is appreciated, but more research is needed in such an aspect of applied journalism. Further studies may examine the same study timeline -as in this research or comparably investigate national/ international conventional news app content. Studying picture-to-news location and news type dynamics of international news app contents may further expose the possible inherency of conventional app news picture selection, changes, and location-based alignments.