Study on the Higher Education in India and the Need for a Paradigm Shift


  • Jaigopi K Kalinga University.
  • Surendra H D Kalinga University.


Over the last two decades, higher education has grown at a breakneck pace, which can be attributed in large part to private-sector initiatives. These measures, however, are questionable, and there are serious and legitimate worries that they are half-baked, poor, and exploitative, and that they have only served to degrade research standards and overall academic value. The convoluted affiliating system, rigid academic framework, uneven capability across various subjects, diminishing autonomy of academic institutions, and low level of public support are all well-known concerns in Indian higher education. These issues were the fundamental basis for choosing the study topic "Study on higher education in India and the Need for a Paradigm Shift." The study's goal is to look into the impact of various aspects of higher education.




How to Cite

K, J. ., & H D, S. . (2022). Study on the Higher Education in India and the Need for a Paradigm Shift. International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society, 6(1). Retrieved from