A Study of Emotional Intelligence of B.Ed. Trainees in Relation to their Academic Achievement
The latest national education policy also strongly emphasized inclusive, holistic, and comprehensive education. Since this includes subjects like ethics, physical education, art and craft, and life skills, students must have a holistic development that will prepare them for the challenges of the real world. Teachers that are emotionally stable are required for the efficient execution of these requirements of educational policies because they can more effectively manage the conduct of the students. The building blocks of every nation's growth are its students. As a result, they need to be shaped under the guidance of an emotionally intelligent teacher. Students will feel valued, considered, and cared for in a community where teachers can cater to students' emotional needs (Goleman, 1995). If they can keep their emotions under excellent control, the teacher-student interaction will be positive. While gloomy, intolerant, boastful, impolite, not caring, short and ill-tempered, and pessimistic teachers are generally dreaded and avoided by students, positive, understanding and sympathetic, inspiring, dependable, accessible, and trustworthy teachers get better reactions from their charges.
Although the teacher training institute does not have a separate syllabus for emotional intelligence, student teachers are learning about constructivist teaching and learning techniques as well as about its assessment and evaluation process, which allows them to learn about the characteristics of emotional intelligence in an integrated manner.
Therefore, the current study aims to evaluate the emotional intelligence of B.Ed students enrolled in teacher training programs. Additionally, the current study will reveal some important implications for teacher education.